Commercial building Lenktoji st. 34
2300 sq. m
competition 1st place
Technical project
Lukas Rekevičius, Milda Rekevičienė, Gabrielė Griušytė, Julija Karazo, Simonas Kazlauskas
Architectural competition in Žvėrynas, one of historical parts of Vilnius, required not only a great subtlety with the context but also boldness to propose functional and modern design. The building is formed out of four volumes, aiming to create contextual scale and visually reduce the size of the building programmed by the size of the site and its technical parameters. Sloped planes facing in different directions create elegant design and form a dynamic composition of volumes. Steady and rhythmical openings in the façade emphasize delicate surrounding while elegant façade system interprets historical tin roofs. Crème colored bricks and soft tones of metal create the warmth which blends well with the color of Žvėrynas. The function was designed with exceptional consideration for simplicity and freedom to transform the building adapting to various needs.