AKETURI puts a strong emphasis on complex urban, environmental, and heritage preservation challenges. The two last decades saw AKETURI working on highly demanding projects in UNESCO-protected Vilnius Old Town and the Curonian Spit. Our achievements are showcased by professional media and projects authored and co-authored by AKETURI won multiple industry awards.
Lately, AKETURI focuses on the revival of industrial zones, which now still occupy the centremost locations of Vilnius and even its heritage Oldtown. Together with other urban visioners, AKETURI brings new life, residents, and businesses to places, which have been forgotten long since. AKETURI emphasizes metropolitan values of community and embraces the need for the individualism of every person – and believes that in exactly this controversy between community and individualism the new urban prospects are born.

Milda Rekevičienė
Head of design / Architect
A founding partner of AKETURI, Chief Architect Milda retains the overall lead in the studio’s award-winning projects. As a head designer, Milda is responsible for keeping the team at the forefront of creative thought and aesthetics. Communication skills, attention to detail, and sensitivity to beauty make Milda the pivotal team and thought leader at AKETURI.

Lukas Rekevičius
Managing Director / Architect
Lukas is a founding partner of AKETURI. He is a frequent speaker in public debates and lectures at various institutions. Lukas also served as a chairman at the Chamber of Architects of Lithuania. In all his activities Lukas promotes quality of architecture, lively sustainable designs and has a strong emphasis on advocating contemporary architecture in strictly protected environments.

Be an island, said Buddha. No man is an island, said John Donne. These contradictions between communal and individual needs of every person spark the very essence of urban culture. AKETURI mission is to find that spark, cherish it and evolve into beautiful things.
Ongoing podcast series “Islands” curated by Lukas unveils different perspectives into this topic:
2021/10/19/ V. Bachmetjevas. In cities, space is a finite resource
2021/11/12/ M. Pakalnis. If spatial planning is about agreement then we need time to agree
2022/02/02/ L. Nekrošius. Species that do not accept change are the first to extinct

Reconstruction of the administrative building of the Lithuanian maritime museum adapting it to the public use of the open access center for marine natural and maritime cultural heritage, open architectural project competition. 2014. Winning proposal
Klaipeda city modern community center – library, open architectural project competition. 2018. Winning proposal
Residential building Sodų str. 14, Vilnius, invited architectural design competition. 2018. Winning proposal
Administrative building V. Kudirkos str. 14, Vilnius, invited architectural design competition. 2019. Winning proposal
Lithuanian national radio and television headquarters S. Konarskio str. 49, Vilnius, open architectural project competition. 2021. Winning proposal
Quarter of residential, office and commercial premises on Lvovo str. 59, Vilnius, invited architectural design competition. 2021. Winning proposal for masterplan
„Geriausias 2013 metų rekreacinės architektūros kūrinys“
Reconstruction of Rietavas Manor Coach-House
„Žvilgsnis į save 2013-2014“ – Lithuanias contemporary architecture awards
House in vilnius – 1/5 metro
„Žvilgsnis į save 2017-2018“ – Lithuanias contemporary architecture awards
Lakeside villa – 1/5 metro
Mies van der Rohe awards 2015 Nominee
Reconstruction of Rietavas Manor Coach-House
Mies van der Rohe awards 2019 Nominee
Reconstruction of sanatorium into reacreational building
Best commercial use building realization – National architecture awards 2021-2022
“Gallery 4A” apartments in Basanavičius st.