Apartments in Missionary Gardens




15470 sq. m




competition entry, honourable mention


Alda Tilvikaitė, Milda Rekevičienė, Karolina Štreimikytė, Rūta Stankevičiūtė, Ieva Marcinonytė, Guoda Bardauskaitė, Lukas Rekevičius

The project is in the Old Town of Vilnius – it is a margin, where the density of the old city center finishes and dissolves into spacious outskirts. The perimeters of the blocks break and mix with singular buildings. Backside of the lot overlooks a river with surrounding Old Town structures, therefore the area is sensitive to any visual addition.

Organic longitudinal volumes are oriented perpendicular to the slope, opening spectacular views to the new inhabitants of the area, giving lots of space for the greenery, which is essential to the sight and blocks the inhumane Soviet hospital volume. The turns and the flexibility of the lengths of volumes offer an opportunity for compromises and dynamics.

A gradient of greys, various balconies, wood terraces in between the blocks and vertical connections create different and changing semi-private spaces, comfort and human scale.

These simple or small details and solutions combine into a sensitive, but yet very powerful and comfortable project, suited most perfectly for the spot.